مفاخر آذربایجان *** Azərbaycan xadimləri
علی فتحی(آلتین)*آذربایجان ،مراغا، ایران ، آذری و تورکی شعرلری
تاريخ : سه شنبه 21 مهر 1394 | یازار : علی فتحی (آلتین)
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نامه رهبر معظم انقلاب به جوانان اروپا و آمریکای شمالی در پی حوادث اخیر فرانسه


نامه رهبر معظم انقلاب به جوانان اروپا و آمریکای شمالی در پی حوادث اخیر فرانسه:

درباره‌ انگیزه‌های سیاه‌نمایی گسترده علیه اسلام کاوش کنید/ لزوم شناخت مستقیم و بی‌واسطه از دین اسلام (۱۳۹۳/۱۱/۰۲ - ۱۰:۴۷)
در پی حوادث اخیر فرانسه و انتشار تصاویر توهین آمیز به مقدسات اسلامی در یک نشریه فرانسوی، و تشدید جریان ضد اسلامی و اسلام هراسی از سوی مقامات و رسانه‌های غربی، حضرت آیت الله خامنه‌ای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی، نامه مهمی خطاب به جوانان در اروپا و امریکای شمالی مرقوم کردند. این نامه به زبان انگلیسی منتشر شد و متن ترجمه فارسی آن به شرح زیر است:

بسم‌ الله الرّحمن الرّحیم

به عموم جوانان در اروپا و امریکای شمالی
حوادث اخیر در فرانسه و وقایع مشابه در برخی دیگر از کشورهای غربی مرا متقاعد کرد که درباره‌ی آنها مستقیماً با شما سخن بگویم. من شما جوانان را مخاطب خود قرار میدهم؛ نه به این علّت که پدران و مادران شما را ندیده می‌انگارم، بلکه به این سبب که آینده‌ی ملّت و سرزمینتان را در دستان شما میبینم و نیز حسّ حقیقت‌جویی را در قلبهای شما زنده‌تر و هوشیارتر می‌یابم. همچنین در این نوشته به سیاستمداران و دولتمردان شما خطاب نمیکنم، چون معتقدم که آنان آگاهانه راه سیاست را از مسیر صداقت و درستی جدا کرده‌اند.
سخن من با شما درباره‌ی اسلام است و به‌طور خاص، درباره‌ی تصویر و چهره‌ای که از اسلام به شما ارائه میگردد. از دو دهه پیش به این سو ــ یعنی تقریباً پس از فروپاشی اتّحاد جماهیر شوروی ــ تلاشهای زیادی صورت گرفته است تا این دین بزرگ، در جایگاه دشمنی ترسناک نشانده شود. تحریک احساس رعب و نفرت و بهره‌گیری از آن، متأسّفانه سابقه‌ای طولانی در تاریخ سیاسی غرب دارد. من در اینجا نمیخواهم به «هراس‌های» گوناگونی که تاکنون به ملّتهای غربی القاء شده است، بپردازم. شما خود با مروری کوتاه بر مطالعات انتقادی اخیر پیرامون تاریخ، می‌بینید که در تاریخنگاری‌های جدید، رفتارهای غیر صادقانه و مزوّرانه‌ی دولتهای غربی با دیگر ملّتها و فرهنگهای جهان نکوهش شده است. تاریخ اروپا و امریکا از برده‌داری شرمسار است، از دوره‌ی استعمار سرافکنده است، از ستم بر رنگین‌پوستان و غیر مسیحیان خجل است؛ محقّقین و مورّخین شما از خونریزی‌هایی که به نام مذهب بین کاتولیک و پروتستان و یا به اسم ملیّت و قومیّت در جنگهای اوّل و دوّم جهانی صورت گرفته، عمیقاً ابراز سرافکندگی میکنند.
این به‌خودی‌خود جای تحسین دارد و هدف من نیز از بازگوکردن بخشی از این فهرست بلند، سرزنش تاریخ نیست، بلکه از شما میخواهم از روشنفکران خود بپرسید چرا وجدان عمومی در غرب باید همیشه با تأخیری چند ده ساله و گاهی چند صد ساله بیدار و آگاه شود؟ چرا بازنگری در وجدان جمعی، باید معطوف به گذشته‌های دور باشد نه مسائل روز؟ چرا در موضوع مهمّی همچون شیوه‌ی برخورد با فرهنگ و اندیشه‌ی اسلامی، از شکل‌گیری آگاهی عمومی جلوگیری میشود؟
شما بخوبی میدانید که تحقیر و ایجاد نفرت و ترس موهوم از «دیگری»، زمینه‌ی مشترک تمام آن سودجویی‌های ستمگرانه بوده است. اکنون من میخواهم از خود بپرسید که چرا سیاست قدیمی هراس‌افکنی و نفرت‌پراکنی، این‌بار با شدّتی بی‌سابقه، اسلام و مسلمانان را هدف گرفته است؟ چرا ساختار قدرت در جهان امروز مایل است تفکر اسلامی در حاشیه و انفعال قرار گیرد؟ مگر چه معانی و ارزشهایی در اسلام، مزاحم برنامه‌ی قدرتهای بزرگ است و چه منافعی در سایه‌ی تصویرسازی غلط از اسلام، تأمین میگردد؟ پس خواسته‌ی اوّل من این است که درباره‌ی انگیزه‌های این سیاه‌نمایی گسترده علیه اسلام پرسش و کاوش کنید.
خواسته‌ی دوم من این است که در واکنش به سیل پیشداوری‌ها و تبلیغات منفی، سعی کنید شناختی مستقیم و بی‌واسطه از این دین به دست آورید. منطق سلیم اقتضاء میکند که لااقل بدانید آنچه شما را از آن میگریزانند و میترسانند، چیست و چه ماهیّتی دارد. من اصرار نمیکنم که برداشت من یا هر تلقّی دیگری از اسلام را بپذیرید بلکه میگویم اجازه ندهید این واقعیّت پویا و اثرگذار در دنیای امروز، با اغراض و اهداف آلوده به شما شناسانده شود. اجازه ندهید ریاکارانه، تروریست‌های تحت استخدام خود را به عنوان نمایندگان اسلام به شما معرفی کنند. اسلام را از طریق منابع اصیل و مآخذ دست اوّل آن بشناسید. با اسلام از طریق قرآن و زندگی پیامبر بزرگ آن (صلّی‌الله‌علیه‌وآله‌و‌سلّم) آشنا شوید. من در اینجا مایلم بپرسم آیا تاکنون خود مستقیماً به قرآن مسلمانان مراجعه کرده‌اید؟ آیا تعالیم پیامبر اسلام (صلّی‌الله‌علیه‌وآله‌وسلّم) و آموزه‌های انسانی و اخلاقی او را مطالعه کرده‌اید؟ آیا تاکنون به جز رسانه‌ها، پیام اسلام را از منبع دیگری دریافت کرده‌اید؟ آیا هرگز از خود پرسیده‌اید که همین اسلام، چگونه و بر مبنای چه ارزشهایی طیّ قرون متمادی، بزرگترین تمدّن علمی و فکری جهان را پرورش داد و برترین دانشمندان و متفکّران را تربیت کرد؟
من از شما میخواهم اجازه ندهید با چهره‌پردازی‌های موهن و سخیف، بین شما و واقعیّت، سدّ عاطفی و احساسی ایجاد کنند و امکان داوری بیطرفانه را از شما سلب کنند. امروز که ابزارهای ارتباطاتی، مرزهای جغرافیایی را شکسته است، اجازه ندهید شما را در مرزهای ساختگی و ذهنی محصور کنند. اگر چه هیچکس به‌صورت فردی نمیتواند شکافهای ایجاد شده را پر کند، امّا هر یک از شما میتواند به قصد روشنگریِ خود و محیط پیرامونش، پلی از اندیشه و انصاف بر روی آن شکافها بسازد. این چالش از پیش طراحی شده بین اسلام و شما جوانان، اگر چه ناگوار است امّا میتواند پرسش‌های جدیدی را در ذهن کنجکاو و جستجوگر شما ایجاد کند. تلاش در جهت یافتن پاسخ این پرسش‌ها، فرصت مغتنمی را برای کشف حقیقت‌های نو پیش روی شما قرار میدهد. بنابراین، این فرصت را برای فهم صحیح و درک بدون پیشداوری از اسلام از دست ندهید تا شاید به یمن مسئولیّت‌پذیری شما در قبال حقیقت، آیندگان این برهه از تاریخ تعامل غرب با اسلام را با آزردگی کمتر و وجدانی آسوده‌تر به نگارش درآورند.

سیّدعلی خامنه‌ای




To all young people in Europe and North America
Recent events in France and similar events in other Western countries convinced me that you talk about them directly. I will give you your youth audience, not because the parents have not seen you Myangarm, but because the future of the nation and land in your hands, and I feel more alive and alert I find truth in your heart. It also addressed by politicians and statesmen you do not, because I believe that they have consciously separated politics from the path of righteousness and truth.
I speak about Islam and, in particular, about the image that Islam is presented to you. Two decades ago, almost since the collapse of the Soviet Union, major efforts have been made to this great religion, in a horrifying enemy position. Provoke a sense of fear and hatred and to take advantage of it, unfortunately, has a long history in the political history of the West. I'm not here to "fears" that many Western nations have thus far been indoctrinated to pay. You with a brief overview of recent critical studies of the history, you see that the new historiography, dishonest and hypocritical behavior of Western governments has been condemned by other nations and cultures. History of Europe and America are ashamed of slavery, colonialism ashamed of the oppression of people of color and non-Christians. Researchers and historians of religion between Catholics and Protestants from the bloodshed in the name or in the name of nationality and ethnicity in the first war Second World, have expressed deep shame.
This in itself is an achievement and goal of Bazgvkrdn part of this long list, blame not on, but I want you to ask yourself why the public conscience of intellectuals in the West, a delay of several decades or centuries-old is awake and aware ? Why revise the collective conscience, should not be to the distant past issues of the day? Why an issue as a way of dealing with Islamic culture and thought, to prevent public awareness of it?
You know well that contempt and hatred and illusionary fear of the "other" is the common base of all those oppressive profiteers. Now I want to ask yourself why the old policy phobia and hatred, this time with an unprecedented intensity, is targeting Islam and Muslims? Because the power structure in the world want Islamic thinking on the sidelines and be passive? What concepts and values ​​in Islam disturb the program of the great powers in the shadow of distorting the image of Islam and what interests are safeguarded? So my first request is that the incentives of Islam and explore this vast Syahnmayy.
My second request is in response to the flood of prejudice and propaganda, try to gain direct and firsthand knowledge of this religion. Logic requires that at least you know what you Mygryzannd and frighten it, and what is its nature. I do not insist that my impression or any other reading of Islam to accept, but I do not let this dynamic and effective reality in today's world, with resentments and prejudices introduced to you. Do not let hypocritical recruited terrorists themselves as representatives of Islam to introduce you to. Islam through its primary and original sources. Islam through the Holy Quran and the life of the Prophet (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) know. I would like to ask whether you have directly to the Qur'an Muslims. Is the teachings of the Prophet (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) and human and moral teachings have read? Have you ever been part of the media, the message of Islam have received from another source? Have you ever asked yourself that same Islam, how and on what values ​​Over the centuries, the greatest civilization developed scientific and intellectual world and top scientists and thinkers trained?
I ask you not to allow the derogatory and offensive image, between you and reality, emotional make you deny the possibility of an impartial judge. Today the means of communication, geographical boundaries are broken, do not let you live in artificial borders and closed minds. Although no one can individually created to fill gaps, but each of you to illuminate your surroundings, to build a bridge of thought and judgment over the gaps. These pre-designed between Islam and you young people is undesirable, but can you make new questions in curious and inquiring minds. Trying to find answers to these questions, an opportunity to discover new truths you. Therefore, the opportunity for true understanding and appreciation of Islam without prejudice miss so maybe thanks to your sense of responsibility toward the truth, the future of the West with the Muslim history of interaction with less irritation and a clearer conscience to write them.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei

A todos los jóvenes en Europa y América del Norte
Los recientes acontecimientos en Francia y eventos similares en otros países occidentales me convencieron de que se habla de ellos directamente. Te daré su audiencia juvenil, no porque los padres no han visto Myangarm, sino porque el futuro de la nación y de la tierra en sus manos, y me siento más vivo y alerta que encontrar la verdad en su corazón. También se dirigió a los políticos y hombres de Estado no lo hace, porque creo que se han separado conscientemente la política de la senda de la justicia y la verdad.
Hablo sobre el Islam y, en particular, acerca de la imagen que el Islam se presenta a usted. Hace dos décadas, casi desde el colapso de la Unión Soviética, se han hecho esfuerzos importantes para esta gran religión, en una posición enemiga horrible. Provocar una sensación de miedo y odio y tomar ventaja de ella, por desgracia, tiene una larga historia en la historia política de Occidente. No estoy aquí para "miedos" que muchas naciones occidentales hasta ahora han sido adoctrinados para pagar. Usted con una breve reseña de los estudios críticos recientes de la historia, se ve que la nueva historiografía, comportamiento deshonesto e hipócrita de los gobiernos occidentales ha sido condenado por otras naciones y culturas. Historia de Europa y América se avergüenzan de la esclavitud, el colonialismo avergonzado de la opresión de la gente de color y los no cristianos. Los investigadores y los historiadores de la religión entre católicos y protestantes desde el derramamiento de sangre en el nombre o en nombre de la nacionalidad y la etnicidad en la primera guerra Segundo Mundo, han expresado su profunda vergüenza.
Esto en sí mismo es un logro y objetivo de Bazgvkrdn parte de esta larga lista, la culpa no, pero quiero que se pregunta por qué la conciencia pública de los intelectuales de Occidente, un retraso de varias décadas o siglos de antigüedad está despierto y consciente ? ¿Por qué revisar la conciencia colectiva, no debe ser la de los números anteriores distantes del día? ¿Por qué un tema como una manera de hacer frente a la cultura islámica y el pensamiento, para evitar que la conciencia pública de la misma?
Usted sabe muy bien que el desprecio y el odio y el miedo ilusorio del "otro" es la base común de todos esos especuladores opresivas. Ahora quiero que preguntarse por qué la vieja fobia política y el odio, esta vez con una intensidad sin precedentes, está apuntando el Islam y los musulmanes? Debido a que la estructura de poder en el mundo quieren pensamiento islámico en el banquillo y ser pasivo? ¿Qué conceptos y valores en el Islam molestar el programa de los grandes poderes en la sombra de distorsionar la imagen del Islam y qué intereses están salvaguardados? Así que mi primera petición es que los incentivos del Islam y explorar este vasto Syahnmayy.
Mi segunda petición es en respuesta a la inundación de los prejuicios y la propaganda, trate de obtener un conocimiento directo y de primera mano de esta religión. La lógica exige que al menos sabes lo que Mygryzannd y asustar a ella, y cuál es su naturaleza. No insisto en que mi impresión o cualquier otra lectura del Islam a aceptar, pero no dejo que esta realidad dinámica y eficaz en el mundo de hoy, con resentimientos y prejuicios introducidos a usted. No deje que los terroristas reclutados hipócritas como representantes del Islam para introducir a. Islam a través de sus fuentes primarias y originales. Islam a través del Santo Corán y la vida del Profeta (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) sabe. Me gustaría preguntar si usted tiene directamente a los musulmanes Corán. Son las enseñanzas del Profeta (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) y enseñanzas humanas y morales han leído? ¿Alguna vez has sido parte de los medios de comunicación, el mensaje del Islam han recibido de otra fuente? ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez que los mismos científicos Islam, cómo y en qué valores lo largo de los siglos, la civilización más grande desarrollado científicos e intelectuales del mundo y de la cumbre y pensadores entrenados?
Yo pido que no permite que la imagen despectivo y ofensivo, entre tú y la realidad, maquillaje emocional que niega la posibilidad de un juez imparcial. Hoy en día los medios de comunicación, límites geográficos están rotos, no dejes que se vive en las fronteras artificiales y cerró mentes. Aunque nadie puede creado individualmente para llenar los vacíos, pero cada uno de ustedes para iluminar su entorno, para construir un puente de pensamiento y de juicio sobre los huecos. Estos pre-diseñados entre el Islam y vosotros, jóvenes, no es deseable, pero puede hacer nuevas preguntas en las mentes curiosas e inquisitivas. Tratando de encontrar respuestas a estas preguntas, la oportunidad de descubrir nuevas verdades ti. Por lo tanto, la oportunidad para la verdadera comprensión y apreciación del Islam sin perjuicio pierda así que tal vez gracias a su sentido de la responsabilidad hacia la verdad, el futuro de Occidente con la historia musulmana de interacción con menos irritación y una conciencia más clara de las escribas.

Seyed Ali Jamenei


Arabic عربی

لجمیع الشباب فی أوروبا وأمریکا الشمالیة
الأحداث الأخیرة فی فرنسا وأحداث مماثلة فی بلدان غربیة أخرى أقنعتنی أن تتحدث عنهم مباشرة. سوف أعطیک جمهور الشباب، ولیس لأن الآباء لم نر لک Myangarm، ولکن لأن مستقبل الأمة والأرض فی یدیک، وأشعر أکثر على قید الحیاة والتنبیه أجد الحقیقة فی قلبک. کما تطرق من قبل السیاسیین ورجال الدولة لم تقم بذلک، لأننی أعتقد أنهم انفصلوا بوعی السیاسة عن طریق البر والحق.
أنا أتکلم عن الإسلام و، على وجه الخصوص، حول الصورة التی یتم عرضها الإسلام لک. قبل عقدین من الزمن، تقریبا منذ انهیار الاتحاد السوفیاتی، وقد بذلت جهود کبیرة لهذا الدین العظیم، فی موقف العدو المرعب. إثارة الشعور بالخوف والکراهیة والاستفادة منه، للأسف، لدیها تاریخ طویل فی التاریخ السیاسی للغرب. أنا لست هنا ل"مخاوف" أن العدید من الدول الغربیة وحتى الآن تم تلقینهم على الدفع. لک لمحة موجزة عن الدراسات النقدیة الأخیرة من التاریخ، وترى أن التأریخ الجدید، وقد أدان سلوک غیر شریفة والنفاق من حکومات غربیة من قبل الدول والثقافات الأخرى. تاریخ أوروبا وأمریکا یخجلون من العبودیة والاستعمار تخجل من ظلم الملونین وغیر المسیحیین. الباحثون والمؤرخون الدین بین الکاثولیک والبروتستانت من إراقة الدماء فی الاسم أو باسم القومیة والإثنیة فی الحرب الأولى العالمیة الثانیة قد أعرب، عار عمیق.
هذا فی حد ذاته یعد إنجازا والهدف من Bazgvkrdn جزء من هذه القائمة الطویلة، واللوم لیس على، ولکن أریدک أن تسأل نفسک لماذا الضمیر العام من المفکرین فی الغرب، تأخیر لعدة عقود أو قرون هو مستیقظا وعلم ؟ لماذا إعادة النظر فی الضمیر الجماعی، لا ینبغی أن یکون للقضایا الماضیة بعیدة من الیوم؟ لماذا قضیة باعتبارها وسیلة للتعامل مع الثقافة الإسلامیة والفکر، لمنع الوعی العام من ذلک؟
تعلمون جیدا أن الازدراء والکراهیة والخوف وهمیة من "الآخر" هو قاعدة مشترکة لجمیع تلک قوت القمعیة. الآن أرید أن أسأل نفسک لماذا الخوف القدیم السیاسات والکراهیة، وهذه المرة مع کثافة غیر مسبوقة، تستهدف الإسلام والمسلمین؟ لأن هیکل السلطة فی العالم یریدون الفکر الإسلامی على هامش وتکون سلبیة؟ ما المفاهیم والقیم فی الإسلام تخل برنامج القوى العظمى فی ظل تشویه صورة الإسلام ومصالح ما تصان؟ لذلک طلبی الأول هو أن الحوافز الإسلام واستکشاف هذا Syahnmayy اسعة.
طلبی الثانی هو ردا على سیل من الأحکام المسبقة والدعایة، فی محاولة لاکتساب المعرفة المباشرة والمباشرة لهذا الدین. المنطق یقتضی أن على الأقل کنت تعرف ما الذی Mygryzannd وتخویف ذلک، وما هی طبیعته. أنا لا تصر على أن انطباعی أو أی قراءة أخرى للإسلام لقبول، ولکن أنا لا تدع هذا الواقع الدینامیکی والفعال فی عالم الیوم، مع مشاعر الاستیاء والأحکام المسبقة قدم لک. لا تدع الإرهابیین المعینین النفاق أنفسهم کممثلین للإسلام أن أعرض لکم ل. الإسلام من خلال المصادر الأولیة والأصلیة. الإسلام من خلال القرآن الکریم وسیرة النبی (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) تعرف. وأود أن أسأل إذا کان لدیک مباشرة للمسلمین القرآن. هل قرأت تعالیم النبی (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) وتعالیمه الإنسانیة والأخلاقیة؟ هل سبق لک جزءا من وسائل الإعلام، ورسالة الإسلام قد وردت من مصدر آخر؟ هل سألت نفسک فی نفس علماء العالم وکبار العلمی والفکری الإسلام، وکیف وعلى ما تقدر على مر القرون، وأعظم حضارة وضعها والمفکرین تدریب؟
أطلب منکم عدم السماح للصورة مهینة ومسیئة، بینک وبین الواقع، مارکة العاطفی کنت ینکر إمکانیة وجود قاض نزیه. الیوم وسائل الاتصال، والحدود الجغرافیة مقطوعة، لا تدع کنت تعیش فی الحدود المصطنعة وإغلاق العقول. على الرغم من أن لا أحد یمکن إنشاؤها بشکل فردی لملء الفجوات، ولکن کل واحد منکم لتسلیط الضوء على محیطک، لبناء جسر من الفکر والحکم على الثغرات. هذه المصممة مسبقا بین الإسلام وأنتم الشباب أمر غیر مرغوب فیه، ولکن یمکنک أن تجعل أسئلة جدیدة فی عقول غریبة والاستفسار. فی محاولة للعثور على إجابات لهذه الأسئلة، فرصة لاکتشاف الحقائق الجدیدة لک. وبالتالی فإن الفرصة لفهم صحیح والتقدیر للإسلام دون المساس یغیب ذلک ربما بفضل إحساسک بالمسؤولیة تجاه الحقیقة، ومستقبل الغرب مع التاریخ الإسلامی التفاعل مع أقل تهیج وضمیر أکثر وضوحا فی الکتابة لهم.

سید علی خامنئی

Seyed Ali Hamaney


The Leader’s four-hour meeting with hundreds of students (2015/07/12 - 18:15)
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a friendly and straightforward meeting on Saturday with more than one thousand young students, which took about four hours, listened to their concerns, demands, criticisms and proposals. He spoke with them about different issues including idealism, requirements for boosting the influence of student organizations, regional issues, Iranian nation’s persistent fight against world arrogance, and everyday issues of students.   
During the meeting, which started at 18:00 local time and continued after evening prayers and fast breaking, the Leader referred to the atmosphere of yearning as the holy month of Ramadan nears its end, saying, “In this spring of spirituality and purity, anybody letting his heart be influenced by the rain of divine mercy and favor, will benefit from the fruits of this spiritual sowing in the future.”  
In response to a question frequently asked by youths about ways of spiritual exaltation, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I heard from pundits that the most important work for spiritual exaltation is piety and refraining from [committing] sins.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said performing religious obligations particularly “on-time prayers with suitable attention [to its content] and preferably in congregation” is complementary to refraining from sins, adding, “Adorn this valuable collection by reciting at least a few verses from the [holy] Quran every day.”
After underscoring the importance of fulfilling religious obligations, the Leader went on to discuss student obligations.    
Ayatollah Khamenei described students as a unique social stratum, noting, “The most important student obligation is idealism.”
Dismissing a thought which considers idealism as contrary to realism, the Leader said, “Idealism is opposed to conservatism, not realism.”
Further explaining himself, the Leader said conservatism means submission to any reality, adding, “Idealism means correctly using positive realities and fighting negative realities with a view to reaching big objectives.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Establishment of an Islamic society and revival of the notion of political Islam” were among the most important ideals, adding, “The ideal of self-confidence and belief in [the idea that] ‘We Can’ is decisively influential on the growth and exaltation of the society and the country.”
Fighting the hegemonic system and [world] arrogance was the third ideal that Ayatollah Khamenei discussed within the framework of the obligations of student community.
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The main reason behind enmity of global bullying powers toward the Iranian nation is the Islamic Republic’s refusal to accept a system based on domineering and submissive [elements].”
The Leader mentioned “justice-seeking,” “Islamic lifestyle,” “realistic and not Western-style freedom-seeking,” “scientific growth,” “work, endeavor and refraining from laziness,” and “Islamization of universities” as other manifestations of idealism [to be followed] by student organizations.
The Leader then answered one of the strategic concerns of students, asking, “How can one influence the decisions of the country’s officials by [opting for] idealism?”
Ayatollah Khamenei’s response to this question was clear and emphatic, “Repeat the ideals, stick to them seriously so that they would [first] turn into the student discourse and then into a public discourse. Then, officials as well as organs affiliated with the administration and government would be influenced.”
After elucidating the mechanism of the influence of student organizations on decision-making by different organs in the country, the Leader highlighted requirements to which student organizations should remain committed.  
Ayatollah Khamenei said refraining from “superficiality and profound work on Islamic concepts” are the first requirements for the student organizations.
To that effect, the Leader criticized certain slogans and remarks, which are apparently Islamic but interiorly different.
As an example, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The term of ‘merciful Islam’, which has become common these days, has been formed through combination of two beautiful words. But what’s its real meaning? Does it mean that despite the Quran dividing humans into pious and infidel, [as well as] foe and friend, all humans should be treated with mercy? [Does it mean that] those who are hostile to Islam and the Iranian nation should be treated with kindness, friendship and justice, against the God’s order?”
The Leader said such indiscreet and superficial words are wrong and misleading, adding, “Is the term of merciful Islam derived from Western liberalism? If so, this term is neither Islamic, nor even merciful or emotional, because liberalism is founded on humanism which is based on the denial of God and spirituality, and is based on the interests of powerful groups.  
To that effect, Ayatollah Khamenei criticized issued that are called American values, saying, “The world-devouring nature of the hegemonic system is rooted in these very American values. Moreover, the positive points of these values have been forgotten in the hegemonic behavior of American officials.”
“If the term of merciful Islam refers to such issues, it is one hundred percent wrong and it has nothing to do with the genuine Islam,” the Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei then referred to another requirement for the influence of student organizations, i.e. “boosting attractiveness.”
The Leader totally dismissed the idea of boosting attractiveness of student environments in wrong ways such as organizing co-ed tours and music concerts, saying, “Those who take people’s student boys and girls together to Europe under the cover of student tours for the [so-called] purpose of attractiveness, are definitely betraying student environments and even the future generation.”
Elucidating correct methods for making student organizations more attractive, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to newly-developed religious, political and social ideas, adding, “In-depth study of the Quran and Nahj-ul-Balagha (the collection of sermons and words of Imam Ali (AS), the first Shia Imam) allows raising new and attractive ideas.”
The Leader recommended students to take advantage of artistic methods like student plays, cartoons, satire, audio periodicals, and poetical gatherings.
Elucidating the third requirement for boosting attractiveness of student organizations, Ayatollah Khamenei laid emphasis on “intellectual contentment and refraining from force and imposition.”
“Religious thought cannot be transferred unless through [intellectual] contentment. Of course, some words may be accepted without intellectual contentment under the influence of sentiments and excitement, but since this acceptance is not convincing it will not last long,” the Leader said.
Referring to the background of Marxist and Communist groups’ recourse to non-convincing methods and imposition of their own views, the Leader warned, “If some reports about the reactivation of Marxist current in some universities were true, the US money would be definitely behind this current in order to [cause] division and discord among students.”
Ayatollah Khamenei recommended student organizations to “take advantage of professors devoted to [Islamic and revolutionary] values and refuse to use those elements that are unreliable for the [Islamic] Establishment and country and people,” saying, “Elements like those who triggered those events in [the unrest during the Iranian calendar year,] 1388 [2009] and opposed the Islamism and Republicanism of the Establishment without any logic are not reliable.”
The Leader said “understanding the realities of the country” is another requirement for boosting the influence of student organizations.
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Expecting officials to work more and make more efforts is a right expectation, but positive realities should be also observed.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said increased attention to the ideals and the failure of efforts by certain groups to marginalize and eliminate the ideals of Imam Khomeini, are among the significant realities in the country.
The Leader noted that following the demise of the late Imam Khomeini, some people inadvertently revealed their hidden goals to marginalize the great ideals of the Imam, and of course, they have become more mature now and no longer speak openly about this goal, though they still strive toward it.
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Despite incessant efforts by this group inside and outside the country and recruitment of intellectual, political and artistic elements, the ideals have become more lively and dynamic in the country and even youths who had not witnessed the attractive realities of the Imam’s lifetime and the Imposed War (Iraqi war on Iran from 1980 to 1988), have wholeheartedly been attracted by the ideals of Islam and the [1979 Islamic] Revolution.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Iran’s stunning and spiritual presence and influence” in the Middle East region is another reality which student organizations should take into consideration.
The Leader added, “We are well aware that Americans and reactionaries in the region pour out their hearts to each other [due to their frustration] about Iran’s regional influence in their secret meetings, but they cannot do anything.”
Referring to the 100-day bombing of Yemen and the savage killing of innocent and oppressed people in that country, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The liberal West claiming to be advocating freedom remains tight-lipped in the face of these Saudi crimes and the [UN] Security Council, in one of its most disgraceful resolutions, condemns victims of the bombing instead of bombers.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said the main reason for the bombing of Yemenis’ houses was the frustration and anger of Saudis and their supporters about Iran’s influence in the region, adding, “Despite allegations, the influence of Islamic Iran in the region is a God-given blessing, not a physical and arms-based one. Like Martyr Beheshti (Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Beheshti, the first judiciary chief of Iran), we tell the enemies of this nation to die from anger and frustration.”
The Leader of the Revolution recommended student organizations to work on regional and international issues, including the events in Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Noting that formation of student organizations during election campaigning was an insult to the student community, the Leader said, “These ad hoc associations aside, Islamic and interested organizations can be very instrumental and influential on the country’s general drive.”
At the start of his speech, after listening to the views of nine representatives of student organizations, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to remarks by one of them regarding the futility of “slogan without action,” saying, “Of course, a substantive, meaningful motto containing an expandable intellectual reality can draw human factors into the scene, set [their] orientation and be inciting.”
One of the students criticized restrictions considered for the activity of revolutionary student organizations. In this regard, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed the minister of science, research and technology, and the minister of health, emphasizing, “The words of Islamic and revolutionary student organizations are the same as our words and demands and individuals holding key positions and jobs at universities should by no means crack down on these organizations and restrict the space of their activity.”  
Ayatollah Khamenei agreed with one of the students, who criticized certain issues that hinder scientific progress in universities, like music concerts, saying, “These activities, under the pretext of bringing joy to the student environment, are among the most erroneous steps.”
The Leader of the Revolution said misleading youths towards such unhealthy environments is an enemy scheme, adding, “The harbingers of pride-inspiring scientific drive in the country in such sensitive and important fields as nuclear and nano-[technology], have been, and still are, pious and revolutionary youths, and the enemies want that [scientists] like Dr. [Majid] Shahriyari (assassinated nuclear scientist) and Dr. [Mostafa] Chamran (a physicist and former official) would not be trained at universities.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I trust the ministers of science and health both, but they should watch out for some people in their affiliated organs not to drive students away from revolutionary and Islamic tendencies and spirituality through some wrong activities and plans.”
Another point raised by the students was the formation of “free thinking forums in the proper sense of the word.” To that effect, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I totally agree with this and a Muslim revolutionary student devoted to Velayat [Faqih] should overpower opposite arguments in cold blood and with the power of logic and strength of argument, which this capacity exists today.”
In response to a question by one of students about remarks by some representatives and appointees of the Leader, who try to pass their views as those of the Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “What they say is their words, and you hear my words from me in person.”
“The appointees of the Leader may even have a view different from me on some political and social issues, which is no problem, because the main issue is general and revolutionary orientation [of these people],” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
“Of course, if anyone says something unrealistic, quoting me, he will receive notice and will be asked to correct himself,” the Leader said.
Another question by one of the students was about the process of fighting arrogance after nuclear talks. In response, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The fight against arrogance and hegemonic system, based on Quranic principles, will never stop, and today the US is the most complete example of arrogance.”
“We have told the [Iranian nuclear] negotiators that they are authorized to negotiate only on the nuclear issue. Although the American side sometimes brings up regional issues like Syria and Yemen, our officials say they do not negotiate on these issues,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
“The fight against arrogance is among principles of the revolution and is a main activity, [and] therefore, prepare yourselves to continue the fight against arrogance,” added the Leader.
A student asked the Supreme Leader to recommend parents to not be so strict on the marriage of youths.
Ayatollah Khamenei called on parents to avoid strictness, saying, “God has promised in the Quran that He would enrich youths after marriage and problems would be resolved.”
Ayatollah Khamenei described the ceremony of proposing to a woman and mediation for facilitating marriage of youths as a commendable custom, adding, “Resolving the problem of the marriage of youths is in mundane and spiritual benefit of the country and the society.”
To that effect, the Leader highlighted the issue of population growth and referring to some reports about the incorrect implementation of the law banning sterilization of couples, he told the health minister, “[Please] deal with this issue.”
Expressing deep and wholehearted satisfaction with the meeting with students, Ayatollah Khamenei said the lively, motivated and joyful participation of Iranian students and youths in different issues of the country was an important issue which is the opposite of reports presented by some biased statistical centers about prevalence of depression among Iranian youths.
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “This sheer and vicious lie is a pretext for prescribing obscene freedoms.”
The Leader said Iranian youths are among the most joyful and active and liveliest youths in the world, adding that, on the opposite, high suicide rate among European youths is indicative of the prevalence of depression in the Western world.
He said the murder of around 80 children in an attack by a European youth several years ago and the high tendency of European youths for membership in Daesh (ISIL) to conduct suicide bombings were major examples of depression among European youths. However, the Leader added, “Fasting Iranian youths who, after one night of vigil, came to the streets to attend the Quds Day rally under searing summer sun, are lively and joyful, and are miles away from depression.”
At the start of this meeting, nine representatives of student organizations, namely; Messrs.:
Ali Pahlavan Kashi, secretary of the Islamic Student Society
Keyvan Asem Kaffash, secretary general of the Islamic Student Assemblies of the Islamic Azad University
Vahid Zare’, member of the Council for Elucidating the Positions of Basiji Students
Hadi Zolfaqari, secretary of the Islamic Student Association of Allameh Tabatabaei University
Mikaeil Dayani, secretary of the Union of Islamic Associations of Independent Students
Ali Mehdianfar, official in charge of Basiji students at the Islamic Azad University, North Branch, and
Hossein Shahbazizadeh, secretary of the Justice-Seeking Student Movement
and Misses:
Zeinab os-Sadat Hosseini, member of the Central Committee of Unity Consolidation Office, and
Saba Karam, head of the Medical Jihad Group of Najaf Headquarters,
offered their views and proposals as follows:
Necessity of further communication between heads of three branches of government and students
Establishment of a think tank for monitoring cultural maladies in the country
Depoliticizing the cultural domain
Recruiting youths in the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution and allocating a share to student organizations in the council
Necessity of taking firm legal action against violators in the issue of illegal scholarships
Making incessant efforts to avoid the drop in the country’s scientific ranking at global level
Necessity of making intensified efforts by the judiciary to fight financial corruption
Supporting efforts made by the nuclear negotiating team for standing up to the excessive demands of America and protecting national interests of the country
Attention to knowledge-based economy
Necessity of expelling seditious elements from executive posts
Necessity of preventing mental inflammation in the society by refraining from highlighting political differences
Taking good advantage of the capacity of Friday Prayers podiums and non-involvement of Friday Prayers leaders in partisan activities
Reliance on domestic potential and Jihadi management to resolve economic problems
Necessity of blocking distortion of the Imam Khomeini’s line in political, cultural and economic fields
Blocking external infiltration into the cultural sector of universities
Necessity of transferring management experience of the first generation of the Islamic Revolution’s executives to future generations
Criticizing the restriction of the country’s diplomatic capacity to the nuclear issue and negotiations with the US
Criticizing the wrong comparison of the present circumstances in the country with conditions that forced Imam Hassan (AS), the second Shia Imam, to accept peace with his enemy, and
Necessity of serious attention by officials to the impoverished and oppressed social classes.

Seyed Ali Hamaney


Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Participants of International Congress on Takfirism (2014/11/25 - 17:55)
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on November 25, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with participants of the International Congress on "Extremist and Takfiri Orientations from the Viewpoint of Islamic Scholars".

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, al-Mustafa al-Amin, upon his immaculate and pure household and upon his chosen companions. May goodness be showered upon them until the Day of Judgment.

First of all, I would like to welcome the dear guests, the honorable participants and you ulama who have participated in this meeting from different Islamic denominations. I thank you for your active and valuable presence in this important two-day congress.

I deem it necessary to thank the great ulama and scholars of Qom - particularly Hazrat Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi and Hazrat Ayatollah Sobhani - who put forward and implemented this idea. Thankfully, they prepared the ground for this task. This movement should continue. I was briefed on the statements of the honorable speakers who delivered speeches during the past two days. I too would like to raise a few points:

First, the purpose of this congress is attending to the issue of takfirism which is a harmful and dangerous orientation in the world of Islam. Although this takfiri orientation is not new and although it has a historical background, it is a few years now that it has been revived and strengthened with the plots of arrogance, with the money of some regional governments and with the schemes of the intelligence services of colonialist countries such as America, England and the Zionist regime.

The purpose of your meeting, your congress and your movement is to confront this orientation in a comprehensive way. The purpose is not to confront what is known today as DAESH. The orientation which is known as DAESH today is only one of the branches of the malevolent tree of takfirism, not the whole of it. The corruption - this act of destroying people and shedding the blood of innocent individuals - that this group of people is involved in is only part of the crimes of takfirism in the world of Islam. We should adopt this outlook towards the issue.

I am sorry from the bottom of my heart that today, we have to focus our attention on the problems that arrogance has created in the world of Islam. This is while we should focus all our energy on confronting the plots of the Zionist regime and the move that they made against Holy Quds and al-Aqsa Mosque. This should move and stimulate the entire world of Islam. However, there is no other option. In fact, attending to the issue of takfirism is something that has been imposed on the ulama, activists and scholars of the world of Islam. The enemy has brought this to the world of Islam as a custom-made product and problem. Therefore, we have to attend to it. However, the main issue is the issue of the Zionist regime. The main issue is the issue of Quds. The main issue is the issue of the first qiblah for Muslims which is al-Aqsa Mosque. These are the main issues.

There is an undeniable point which is the fact that the takfiri orientation and the governments which support and advocate it move completely in the direction of the goals of arrogance and Zionism. Their work is in line with the goals of America, the colonialist governments in Europe and the government of the usurping Zionist regime.

Certain signs confirm this claim. The takfiri orientation is Islamic on the face of it, but in practice, it is at the service of the great colonialist, arrogant and political orientations that are working against the world of Islam. There are clear signs which cannot be ignored. I would like to mention a few of these signs: one is that the takfiri orientation managed to make the movement of Islamic Awakening deviate from its path. The movement of Islamic Awakening was an anti-American and anti-arrogance movement which was against the elements that America had installed in the region.

It was a movement that had been launched by the masses of the people in different countries of North Africa. These countries were against arrogance and America. The takfiri orientation changed the direction of this anti-arrogance, anti-American and anti-tyranny movement. It turned it into a war between Muslims and into fratricide. The front line of fighting in the region was the borders of occupied Palestine, but the takfiri orientation came and changed this front line to the streets of Baghdad, the Jameh Mosque of Syria and Damascus, the streets of Pakistan and different cities of Syria. These places became the front line of fighting.

Take a look at the condition of today's Libya, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and see against whom the forces and swords of Muslims are being used. These forces should have been used against the Zionist regime. The takfiri orientation changed the direction of this fighting to our homes, our cities and our Islamic countries. They cause explosions inside the Jameh Mosque of Damascus. They kill people by causing explosions in Baghdad while they are holding their ordinary rallies. In Pakistan, they fire a volley of bullets on hundreds of people. As you can witness today, they are creating such disastrous conditions in Libya. All of these are among the unforgettable and historical crimes of the takfiri orientation.

It is this orientation that has brought about this situation. This movement is at the service of arrogance. It is at the service of America and England. What they do is at the service of the intelligence services of America and England. It is at the service of Mossad and other such intelligence services.

Another sign is that those who support the takfiri orientation compromise with the Zionist regime so that it fights against Muslims. They do not even frown at the Zionist regime, but they deliver all sorts of blows to Islamic countries and nations and they hatch all sorts of plots against them.

Another sign is that the seditious movement which the takfiri orientation launched in Islamic countries - including Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon and other countries - has led to the destruction of the valuable infrastructures of these countries. Notice how many roads, refineries, mines, airports, streets, cities and houses have been destroyed in these countries. Notice how long it takes and how much money is necessary for these countries to go back to their prior conditions. This has happened as a result of domestic wars and fratricide. These are the losses and the blows that the takfiri orientation has delivered to the world of Islam since a few years ago until today.

Another sign is that the takfiri orientation damaged the reputation of Islam in the world and it painted an ugly picture of it. Everyone in the world saw on TV that someone is made to sit on the ground and they behead them with a sword without charging him with any crime: "Allah forbids you not - with regard to those who fight you not for your faith nor drive you out of your homes - from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just. Allah only forbids you - with regard to those who fight you for your faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support others in driving you out - from turning to them for friendship and protection. And whoever makes friends with them, these are the unjust" [The Holy Quran, 60: 8-9].

These people did the exact opposite of this. They killed Muslims and innocent non-Muslims and the pictures were broadcast all over the world. The whole world saw this. These acts were done in the name of Islam. This was the way they introduced Islam, which is known for its mercy, reason and logic and for "Allah forbids you not - with regard to those who fight you not for your faith nor drive you out of your homes - from dealing kindly and justly with them". Is there any crime greater than this? Is there any fitna which is more malevolent than this? This has been committed by the takfiri orientation.

Another sign is that they left the axis of resistance alone. Gaza fought alone for 50 days. They resisted on their own for 50 days. Islamic governments did not help Gaza. Oil revenues and dollars were not put at the service of Gaza although part of them was put at the service of the Zionist regime. This is another sign.

Another sin and another sign was that the takfiri orientation changed the direction of young Muslims' enthusiasm and valor which existed throughout the world of Islam. Today, youth from throughout the world of Islam enjoy a certain kind of enthusiasm and valor. Islamic Awakening has influenced them. They are prepared to move forward at the service of the great goals of Islam. The takfiri orientation changed the path of this enthusiasm and valor. It drew some ill-informed and ignorant youth to beheading Muslims and slaughtering women, children and infants of a village. These are among the sins of the takfiri orientation.

We cannot ignore and forget about these signs and proofs easily. All these signs show that the takfiri orientation is at the service of arrogance, the enemies of Islam, America, England and the Zionist regime. Of course, there are other signs and proofs as well. We have been informed that an American transport plane dropped the ammunitions that this group, known as DAESH, needed. This was done in order to help them. We said to ourselves, "Perhaps, this was a mistake". Then, we saw that they kept doing it. According to the reports that I have received, this was done five times. Do they make a mistake five times?

This is while they have formed a so-called coalition against DAESH. This is a downright lie. This coalition follows other malevolent goals. They want to keep this fitna alive, pit the two sides against one another and continue the domestic war between Muslims. This is their goal. Of course, you should know that they will not manage to do this.

There are some great duties which need to be carried out. You honorable gentlemen came up with some solutions and specified certain responsibilities in this two-day congress. I too would like to mention two, three tasks that cannot be ignored. One is the formation of a scholarly, rational and comprehensive movement by ulama from all Islamic denominations with the purpose of uprooting the takfiri orientation. This movement should not be confined to certain denominations. All the Islamic denominations which believe in and feel sympathetic towards Islam share this responsibility. A great scholarly movement should be launched.

They entered the arena with the false slogan of following "the righteous predecessors" [salafu saleh]. We should prove the righteous predecessors' animosity towards the things that they are doing and the movement that they are launching. This should be done with the language of religion, knowledge and reason.

You should save youth. There are some people who are influenced by these deviant thoughts. These poor individuals think that they are doing good deeds. They are the manifestation of these holy ayahs: "Say: ‘Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?'" [The Holy Quran, 103-104]. They are the manifestation of these ayahs. They vainly think that they are fighting in the way of God. These are the same people who will say to God on Judgment Day: "Our Lord, We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the right path. Our Lord, give them double penalty and curse them with a very great curse" [The Holy Quran, 33: 67-68]. These are the same poor people.

Those who murder a great scholar in the Damascus Mosque are among these people. Those who behead Muslims with the excuse of apostasy are among these people. Those who shed - by causing explosions - the blood of innocent people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Baghdad and in different cities of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are among the same people who will say on Judgment Day: "Our Lord, We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the right path. Our Lord, give them double penalty".

In another part of the Holy Quran, God says, "For each one there is double" [The Holy Quran, 7: 38]. Both of you leaders and followers will be punished. "Truly that is just and fitting: the contending one with another of the inmates of the fire" [The Holy Quran, 38: 64]. These people fight against one another on that day. Therefore, they should be saved. These youth should be saved and this falls on the shoulders of ulama because they are in contact with both intellectuals and the masses of the people. They should try to do this. Allah the Exalted will ask ulama on Judgment Day: "What did you do?" They should take action. This is one task.

The second task which is really urgent is illustrating the role of the arrogant policies of America and England. This should be illustrated and explained. Everyone in the world of Islam should know what the role of America's policies in this regard is. Everyone should know what the role of the intelligence services of America, England and the Zionist regime on this matter is. Everyone should know that they are working for them, that the plot has been hatched by arrogance and that these takfiri orientations receive support and money from them. They receive money by the regional puppet regimes. It is these puppet regimes which give them money, but the plot is hatched by arrogance and as a result, they ruin these poor takfiri youth. They create such a problem for the world of Islam. This is another necessary task that should be carried out.

The third task that should definitely be carried out is attending to the issue of Palestine. You should not allow the issue of Palestine, Holy Quds and al-Aqsa Mosque to be consigned to oblivion. This is what they want. They want the world of Islam to ignore the issue of Palestine. You can see that the Zionist regime cabinet has recently announced that Palestine is a Jewish country. It announced that Palestine is a Jewish country. They have been pursuing this issue from long ago. Now, they are openly declaring it. By pursuing the ignorance of the world of Islam, the masses of the people and Muslim nations, they are after occupying Holy Quds and al-Aqsa Mosque, and weakening the Palestinians as much as they can. We should pay attention to this.

All peoples should ask their governments to pursue the issue of Palestine. Islamic ulama should ask their governments to pursue the issue of Palestine. This is an important and major responsibility. We thank God that in the Islamic Republic, the government and the people share this belief. From the beginning, the Islamic Republic government and our magnanimous Imam announced and raised the policy of supporting Palestine and showing enmity towards the Zionist regime. This policy has continued until today. It is 35 years now that we have not deviated from this line and our people too are supportive with complete eagerness.

Sometimes, a number of those youth whose requests are not granted in this regard write a letter to me and say in an insistent manner, "Allow us to go and fight against the Zionist regime in the front lines". Our people love fighting against the Zionists and the Islamic Republic has proved this as well. By Allah's favor and grace, we have passed through the barrier of denominational discord. We helped Hezbollah of Lebanon - which is a Shia group - in the same way that we helped Hamas and Islamic Jihad and we will continue to do that [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"]. We did not become a prisoner of denominational limits. We did not differentiate between Shia, Sunni, Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi'i and Zaidi denominations. All Palestinian areas have to become armed.

We looked at our main goal and we offered help. We managed to strengthen the fists of our Palestinian brothers in Gaza and by Allah's favor, we will continue to do that. I announced- and this will definitely happen- that the West Bank should be armed like Gaza and be prepared for defense [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"].

I will tell you dear brothers that America's splendor should not intimidate you. The enemy has become weak. The enemy of Islam - which is arrogance - is weaker now compared to all other eras during the past 100, 150 years. Take a look at colonialist governments in Europe. They are faced with economic, political and security problems. Today, these governments have all sorts of problems. America is worse than them. It is faced with moral, political and serious financial and monetary problems. It is faced with disgrace and damage to its superpower status everywhere in the world, not just in the world of Islam.

Besides, the Zionist regime has become weaker compared to the past. This is the same regime which used to chant the slogan of "from Nile to Euphrates". They used to shout and say openly that the region from Nile to Euphrates belongs to them. However, they could not conquer Palestinian tunnels in Gaza for 50 days. This is the same regime. They used all their power for 50 days so that they can sabotage, destroy and conquer the underground tunnels of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Palestinians, but they failed. This is the same regime which used to say, "The region from Nile to Euphrates belongs to us". Notice how it has changed. Notice how weak it has become.

The problems of the enemies of Islam are many. The enemies of Islam were frustrated in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. They were frustrated in different areas and their goals were not achieved. As you saw, in order to confront the Islamic Republic on the nuclear issue, America and colonialist countries in Europe gathered and used all their power so that they could bring the Islamic Republic to its knees on this matter, but they failed and they will continue to fail [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"].

This is the weakness of the other side. But by Allah's favor, you will become stronger on a daily basis. The future belongs to you and "Allah has full power and control over His affairs" [The Holy Quran, 12: 21] [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"].

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings

Seyed Ali Hamaney


Leader’s remarks in meeting with heads of three branches of government and senior state officials (2015/06/24 - 21:54)

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

One of the repeated themes in prayers of the holy month of Ramadan is to attract people’s attention to the worlds that exist after the mundane life: drawing attention to the world of death, the world of [life in] grave, the world of the Resurrection, the difficulties that man will have when facing the Divine reckoning and Book and questioning; this is one of the prominent topics in the prayers of the holy month of Ramadan. For us, who have positions of responsibility, it is very important to pay attention to this issue. The main factor controlling and protecting human beings includes attention to these worlds. That we know, “…[God is he] from Whom is not hidden the smallest atom in the heavens or on earth;” a small movement, a small stop, a small measure, [and] a small word will not remain hidden from He who reckons [our deeds] after death and we will be questioned; this has a great effect on our behavior, on our words, [and] on our deeds. 
In the honorable prayer of Abi Hamza [we read]: “Have mercy on me when the hands of those I love roll me over on [my death] bed.”This is a state, which will befall everybody and perhaps many people have seen the state of dying and moments before death in other people; in those moments, I and you have no power of our own; there, nobody is closer to us than God. “And we are closer to him [the dying person] than you, but you don’t see.” Nobody can in that state save us from the maelstrom that is ahead of us except for [our] good deeds and the divine mercy. In this {Abi Hamza] prayer, we say, “O God! Have mercy on me!” have mercy on us in there [when we are dying]. “And bestow your extended mercy on me when they are washing me [at the morgue],” [we ask God] that at the time after we have died and [they] are washing [our dead body], [we ask] the Almighty God, in that state, to bestow upon us his mercy, [and] his forgiveness, and have mercy on us. Without any power we are at the mercy of the hands of the washer; this is true about every single one [of us], I and you; none of us will be far and free from this situation; this will happen to all of us; let’s [always] remember that moment.
 “…and at the time of me being carried when my relatives are carrying corners of my corpse;” they lift us, put [our dead body] on their shoulders, take it toward our permanent and perennial abode. “And treat me kindly, when I arrive before you alone in my grave;” they will put us in the grave. This is a reminder; such situations must not be forgotten; they must be always before our eye. [The fact] that they recommend us to go to the graveyard, pay pilgrimage to the dead, this is one reason and cause for it. Some people do not like that somebody remind them of death; no [you must not hate that because] this is a treatment; this is medication; a cure for our selfishness, a cure for our neglects, [and] a cure for our debaucheries. In another part of the honorable Abi Hamza prayer [we read]: “God, have mercy on me at the time that my reasoning is of no good and my tongue is unable to answer you, and my sanity fails me when you [start to] question me;” at that time that we fall short of [responding to] the divine question and are stuck, our reasoning reaches its end; it is not like here that we can take the opposite side away from the reality by taking advantage of his ignorance, of his neglect, [or] of his emotions. There, everything is evident to He who asks us a question. That moment must be born in mind. In another part [of the prayer we say]: “I cry on my getting out of the grave naked;” read this prayer at dawns in the month of Ramadan with attention; “[naked and] humiliated with my heavy burden on my back. I look to the right and then to the left just to see that people are occupied with things other than my things;” everybody is thinking about themselves; nobody will help me there.
“Every one of them, on the Day [of Resurrection], will have enough concern (of their own) to make them indifferent to others. Some faces that day will be beaming [with happiness and are]laughing, [and] rejoicing;” the faithful, [and] the pious, [and] those people who were careful about themselves and did not get out of the path of righteousness and fairness and fulfilling [their] divine duty, are examples of this sentence; “some faces that day will be beaming [with happiness and are] laughing, [and] rejoicing;” open faces, laughing, beaming; some people are like that. “And other faces that day will be dust-stained; blackness will cover them;” the Quranic verse is up to here [but] in [Abi Hamza] prayer, this word has been added: “and humiliation.” Of course, this is not the sole theme; the prayers of the month of Ramadan, like all other prayers, drag us toward that delicate, pleasant and desirable spring of divine mercy.
This month, is the month of humbleness, the month of asking for forgiveness, the month of piety, the month of returning to God, the month of [spiritual] reconstruction, [and is] the month of ethics. In the sermon of the last Friday of the month of Sha’ban by Prophet [Mohammad (PBUH)] there are items which show that this month is not just a month of worship, it is also a month for ethics; [a time for] learning moral virtues [and] the use of moral virtues. These are [main] things to which we must pay attention in this month.
In this very sensitive and important meeting, I have considered three issues to discuss. One [of these issues] is the issue of economy, to which reference was made in the remarks of our esteemed president and [he] made good remarks and presented good statistics. I have a viewpoint in this regard that I will offer. One [issue] is the nuclear issue, which today the pivot of many of our efforts; both foreign efforts and even our domestic efforts, is this issue. [There are] viewpoints that are necessary [for me] to offer and to explain; if there were time, I would touch on regional issues [as well].
As for the issue of economy, I say it this way that the month of Ramadan is the month of piety; [but] what is piety? Piety is that state of permanent watchfulness that causes human beings not to go astray, and catching thorns do not pin them down. Piety is, in fact, a kind of armor, an armor on the body of the pious person, which protects and immunizes him against the harm of spiritual venomous arrows and deadly blows; of course, this is not only limited to spiritual matters. “And for those who fear Allah, He (always) prepares a way out, and He provides for them from (sources) they never could imagine.” Even in worldly issues, piety has very important effects; this is about personal piety. The same issue can be generalized to a society and a country. What is the piety of a country? What is the piety of a society? A society, especially if like the society of the Islamic Republic Establishment, has lofty and exalted ideals, is prone to aggression; is prone to aggression by venomous arrows; [to confront] this [the society] requires piety. What is piety of the society?
Social piety can be described in various sectors; in economic sector; social piety is resistance economy. If with regard to economy, we don’t want to be harmed by fluctuations resulting from global events or by venomous arrows of hostile global policies, we have to turn to resistance economy. Resistance economy is a factor for steadfastness in the face of those people and those powers that are using all their economic and political and media and security capacity in order to deal a blow to this nation and this country and this establishment. One of the ways that they have found for the time being is infiltrating the economy. I have issued this warning for years and said [this]; officials, every one of them, have made good efforts as much as their abilities allowed, but we must pursue the issue of resistance economy inside [the country] with all our power, [and] with all our capacity; this would be our social piety with regard to the economic issue.
This model, of course, is not specific to us; the model of resistance economy was projected [and] chosen by some other countries for themselves, and [they] saw its effect. The focal point of resistance economy is internalization as opposed to externalization. Internalization must not be taken to mean isolationism; internalization with an eye to the outside [world] and with tendency toward [what exists] outside of society, but [at the same time] relying on internal capability and internal capacity, which I will discuss tosome extent; I have already said many things in this regard.
The policies of resistance economy, which have been formulated and notified, do not representan affair which is sudden, [and] fictitious and based on a personal view; this is a product of a collective wisdom; is the product of long consultations; after resistance economy was notified and explained with these characteristics and was discussed in the media, and [our] friends and colleagues within the esteemed administration started activities in this regard and repeated them, it [resistance economy] was confirmed by many economic pundits; they stressed on it and this term, “resistance economy” entered the prevailing economic culture of the country and found a place for itself in economic literature of the country. This is indicative of correctness and strength of this path.
Resistance economy is the opposite of the obsolete model dictated by [the world] powers for the so-called developing, or so-called Third World countries. They dictated a model – which I do not want to explain that model – [claiming] that if Third World countries want to achieve economic growth, [and] economic prosperity, and reach the level of global economy, they must follow suit with that model whose main stress is on looking outside with its own details. This resistance economy is the opposite of that [previous model]; this is a model which is totally at odds with the thing which was relied on and repeated in the obsolete model; some people still mention it and talk about it here and there. [In resistance economy] reliance is on domestic capacities. Some people may imagine that this model is a desirable model, but have doubt about its possibility. I categorically say that this model is a possible model in our country; [application of] the model of resistance economy is totally possible under present conditions of the country.
We have capacities to do this, many untapped capacities, one of which is human capital. This means that educated youth with specialty and having self-confidence are numerous in our country and this is one of the blessings of the Islamic Revolution; of course, if wrong policies do not cause our society to move toward aging. For the time being, it is like this; for the time being a large number of the workforce in the country is between 20 years and 40 years old; with good education, with good mental and intellectual preparedness, with high morale, [and] with self-confidence. Today, we have 10 million university graduates, [and] have more than 4 million students studying [at universities], which is about 25 times higher than [the figure we had in] the early years [after the victory] of the Islamic Revolution. Since the outset of the Islamic Revolution up to now, the country’s population has doubled and the population of students has increased 25 times; this is among honourable achievements of the Islamic Revolution; this is human capital; this is a great opportunity.
Another capacity is the economic position of our country. According to official global statistics, the Islamic Republic ranks 20th in [terms of] economy in the world; we rank 20th and have enough capacity to reach the 12th rank because there are still many unused capacities in the country; we have natural resources, [and we] have oil; in terms of oil and gas [reserves], we rank first in the world; our total oil and gas [reserves] are higher than all other countries in the world; we have many other mines.
Another capacity is the superb geographical situation of the country; in regional and global geography, we are the connecting link of north to south and east to west, which is of very extraordinary importance for the issue of transit [of goods], for the transport of energy and commodities, and so forth.
Another capacity is being neighbor to 15 countries with a population of 370 million; that is a market at hand, without the need to go long ways.
Another capacity is the domestic 70-million-strong market, which if we orientate to this very domestic market, to national production and domestic production, the situation of production [in our country] will change.
Another capacity is the existence of basic infrastructure in [such sectors as] energy, in rail and road and air transportation, in communications, in trade centers, in power plants, in dam [construction]; these are the infrastructure which has been created during these years through the endeavors of [successive] administrations and people’s perseverance and people’s help, and is today at our disposal.
In addition to all these, [there] are accumulated management experiences which these experiences have helped us during recent years to have growth in non-oil exports; just as the esteemed president presented statistics related to [the Iranian calendar] year [13]93 [March 2014-March 2015], and [during] the years before [that] the growth of non-oil exports in our country has been quite tangible, which is a model.
These capacities exist in the country and of course, these are just part of the capacities. Those experts who sit with me and talk [to me] and sometimes write reports for me, present a long list of the existing capacities that can be helpful for the country’s economy and all these [reports] are correct; these capacities must be taken advantage of.
The current problem with our country is not that we don’t have plans, don’t have correct proposals; our problem is that [we] do not pursue the correct proposal and correct plan as we should; this is the base of this problem. This situation is repeated in elite environments [where they say] the problem with the Islamic Republic is not the problem of not having correct proposals; correct proposals are offered a lot; the problem is that we must follow up on these correct proposals in such a way in practice that [we would] achieve their results; [that we would] see their results objectively and with our eyes.
Well, there are challenges; these challenges cause friction; friction causes erosion and exhaustion, causes problems; these challenges should be remedied.
One of these challenges is internal challenges related to ourselves: taking a simple and superficial approach to problem [at hand]; [that we may] be convinced with certain things that we do and do not find out about the depth of the problem.
Rhetorical and private and intellectual discussions get nowhere; movement and action is needed. Oversight in [taking] action is our big challenge. Sometimes conclusions and inferences are not short-term, [but] are long-term and this [issue] dissuades some people. This is one of the challenges. Big works may sometimes bear fruit in the course of one generation; [however, such works] must be followed; [and we] must move. There are many jobs that if we had started them ten years ago, [or] fifteen years ago, today, we had reached their results. There are many plans that have been initiated ten years ago, [or] fifteen years ago and today we are seeing their results. The day when certain things were said in various universities about [launching] a scientific movement in the country, [and this topic] was discussed with various groups, nobody imagined that this scientific movement, which has been launched in these ten [or] fifteen years, would come into being; but it did [come into being]. Our scholars, our scientists, our universities, and our talented youth endeavored. Today, we, as compared to 12-13 years ago, have made a great movement in scientific terms and have greatly and, in some cases, amazingly progressed in certain fields. [Let’s] begin the work as of today, [so that] we would see its result fifteen years, [or] twenty years from now.
One of our challenges is [recourse] to parallel and easy, but lethal ways; this is one of our challenges. I don’t forget when I was the president – about 25 years [ago] – for the import of a commodity [that was] needed by the society, which we obtained it by a lot of trouble from Europeans, [but] Africans had the same commodity, had its good-quality version as well, [but] our friends in charge were not ready. It was recommended, emphasized, in meetings that we held, they both confirmed, and substantiated, but it was difficult [to work with Africans]; it was easier to work with Europe. [We must avoid] a parallel, easy way, but at the same time, harmful, which faces one with a dilemma, weakens one’s friends, strengthens one’s enemies and gives the control of an affair inside the country to those who are our enemies in their hearts.
This is one of the challenges that somebody would imagine that if we give up our ideological fundaments, [and] ideological fundaments of the Islamic Republic Establishment, [then] the ways would open up and closed gates would open, which this is a very big and essential error. Of course, our brethren in the serving government are acting with [complete] belief; they really believe in the revolution, believe in the fundaments of the revolution [and believe in the principles of the revolution; I have no complaint of them. However, there are some people among our officials, who think that if we give up some of our principles and fundaments, many closed doors would open to us; while this is not the case; this is a great error and we have seen the results of this error in some other countries – which I don’t want to mention by name – during this period of recent few years. The path to progress goes through steadfastness; [and goes through] insistence on the fundaments.
One of the challenges is for somebody to imagine that people would not tolerate [difficulties]; no, people have tolerated problems. If it is truly explained to people, [if] the reality of affairs is explained to people with honesty, our people are faithful people; they will stand fast, [and] will resist.
One of the challenges is to have doubts about internal abilities [of our country]; [that] we don’t trust our young scientist, [that] we don’t trust popular and nongovernmental groups in economic affairs; this is one of the challenges. We must trust [them]; we must involve people in the huge economic cycle of the country.
After all, what we need to do with regard to issues related to resistance economy, one of them is [to have] firm resolve; we must try through firm resolve to realize resistance economy in its true sense inside [the country]; [another matter is]also to avoid oversight, to avoid seeking comfort [in life], and to rely on studious management; studious management, which I brought up last year and emphasized that this is not limited to this year, it is for always; we need studious management. In early years after the revolution, during the war and throughout these thirty-odd years, whenever we have relied on studious management, we have been successful. Studious management may sometimes lead to losses, but [at the end] it will progress and do the job. Reliance on the divine power, putting trust in the Almighty God, doing the job with foresight and rationality, but with firm resolve, without doubt and without fear of consequences, this is studious management.
Of course, permanent promotion of a culture proportionate to resistance economy is also necessary. Everybody, both the IRIB, and officials of the press and other media, and state officials, officials of the legislature, Friday Prayers leaders across the country and everybody who has a tribune and can talk to people, they should promote the culture proportionate to resistance economy including saving, [and] including consumption of domestic products. Of course, when it comes to saving and also with regard to consumption of domestic products, state officials are the main addressees because one of the most important consumers in the country is the administration itself; the administration must insist and consider itself obligated and bound to take advantage of domestic products; even with some oversight; no problem with that. Sometimes they say a certain item does not have the quality of its foreign counterpart; no problem; if we want it to obtain quality, we must help it. [If] we help, its quality will increase; otherwise, it will decrease day after day. Serious struggle against illogical imports is one of the necessary steps; serious struggle against smuggling is one of the necessary steps; paying attention to small and intermediate businesses – on which I put emphasis this year, at the beginning of the year – is a very necessary step; revision of monetary policies and the activities of the country’s banking system, to which I also pointed at the beginning of the year and about which experts and concerned people have important things to say and these views must be heard and attention must be paid to them. These are steps that we have to take.
Of course, the main conditions for the realization of these goals are empathy and common language, and this solidarity that the esteemed president pointed to; the administration must be helped; the officials must be helped; [because] they are in the middle of the arena. Unnecessary conflicts and unnecessary complications must be avoided; complications from any side are unacceptable and undesirable. Everybody must help and [make] this huge movement, God willing, bear fruit. This was my comments about economic issues. I believe that we can take great steps in the field of economy and have hope that, God willing, we would go through this difficult pass.
With regard to nuclear issue, I mention three points at first and as introduction, then there are certain matters in this regard that I will explain.
The first point is that what I say here in this meeting or in [other] public meetings, is exactly the same things that I say in private meetings to officials, to the esteemed president and to others. This propaganda line that we have seen and [still] see they are following [by claiming] that some red lines that are officially announced, are crossed over in private meetings, [this] is unreal and a lie. What I say to you here or in [other] public meetings, is exactly the same things that I say to friends, to officials, [and] to [nuclear] negotiating team; I say the same things; the remarks are the same.
The second point [is that] I consider the [nuclear] negotiating team – these very friends who have shouldered all these troubles during this period – both trustworthy, and zealous, and brave, and religious; everybody must know this. Most of you who are present here are not abreast of the content of the negotiations; if you were informed about the content of the negotiations and details of the negotiations and what goes on in meetings, you would have certainly admitted to part of what I said. Of course, in addition to these, I know some of these [negotiator] friends up-close; and know others from afar according to their track records; these are religious and trustworthy people; these are trustworthy; their purpose is to facilitate the work of the country, [and to] undo the knot, and are making effort to this end. Fairly speaking, they have national zeal, they have bravery, [they] face a great number of people – which now I don’t want to use a real proportionate term [to describe them] because there are sometimes terms which are really suitable for description [of certain people] but, well, it is not befitting for me to say them – and fairly speaking, they express their positions in the face of them with complete bravery, [and] with complete preciseness; they pursue and they follow up [on their goals].
The third point is about the respectable critics. I am not against criticism; no problem with that; criticism is necessary and helpful, however, everybody must note that to criticize is easier than to act. We easily see the flaws of the opposite side in the field that they are, while his risks, his difficulties, his concerns, [and] his problems are not seen by one. It is as if you are standing by a swimming pool, [and] are watching; a person has gone aloft and wants to dive from a height of 10 meters. Well, he dives, you, who are standing by the pool say, ‘What! His leg was bent, his knee was bent; this is a flaw’. Yes, this is a flaw, but you take the trouble and ascend the diving board and look down to the water from the end of that 10-meter [height]; [and] then pass a judgment! Criticism is easy. [Of course,] what I say must not prevent criticism; do criticize, but also note that criticism must take into account the fact that the other side may be aware of some flaws that we mention in our criticism, [but] well [they] have reached this conclusion or have been forced to this point by the necessities or any other reason. Of course, I don’t want to say that these [negotiators] are infallible; no, they are not infallible; one may, in some places, make errors in recognition [of the situation] and in practice. However, the important point is that I believe in their trustworthiness, and in their religiosity, and in their zeal and in their bravery. These are three necessary points that I said as introduction to my remarks.
[Let me] tell you a short history of these negotiations; these negotiations that are in fact more than our negotiations with the P5+1 [group]; [it is] negotiation with Americans. Americans demanded these negotiations. It is related to the time of the 10th administration. These negotiations started before coming [to office] of this [incumbent] administration. They demanded, resorted to intermediaries and one of the respectable [politicians] in the region came here and had a meeting with me. [He] said the president of America had called him and asked him and said that we want to resolve the nuclear issue with Iran and we want to remove the sanctions as well. There were two basic points in his remarks: one that he said ‘we would recognize Iran as a nuclear power’; and secondly, he said ‘we would remove the sanctions gradually in a matter of six months. Come, sit down and negotiate. [Let] this be done’. I told that respectable intermediary that we have no trust in Americans, one cannot trust what they say. He [the intermediary] said, ‘Now, you can test [them]’. I said, ‘Well, we will test [them] this time again. This was how negotiations started.
Let me say a point for the attention of officials and everybody must pay attention to this: in global encounters, the logic of global encounter necessitates that we take two arenas into account. One arena is the arena of reality and action; one arena is the arena of reality and action, which this arena is the main arena. In the arena of reality and in the arena of action, an official, who is doing an activity, creates, [and] produces assets in the arena of action; this is one arena. One [other] arena is the arena of diplomacy and politics, which assets in this arena of diplomacy and politics and negotiations are turned into advantages for the country; [those assets are] turned into national interest. If your hands are empty in the first arena, you cannot accomplish anything in the second arena; one must have achievements [and] asset in the first arena – that is, in the arena of action, the arena of reality, [and] on the ground.
The day that we entered these negotiations we had an acceptable and important achievement; we felt that we are entering [the negotiations] with our hands full. Our achievement in that day included that we had been able while all nuclear powers had refrained to give us 20-percent nuclear fuel for Tehran [Research Reactor] – which we needed nuclear medicines – we had been able to produce 20-percent [nuclear] fuel under conditions of sanctions. [Then we had managed to] turn this 20-percent fuel into fuel plates and use it. Our opposite side was checkmated! It is a long story, perhaps many of you know about it; through long negotiations, they did not accept to give us – that is, to sell [to us] - 20-percent [fuel] or allow another party to sell it to us. 
We said, we produce [the fuel] inside [the country]; our youths, these scientists of ours, this very hard-working, full-of-hope, [and] self-reliant [social] class, could take the other side by surprise; they produced 20-percent [fuel] and you know, perhaps I have said this one more time, that in nuclear enrichment, the important and difficult part is to move from three-percent and four-percent [enrichment] to 20-percent; from 20-percent to 90–percent [enrichment] is a very simple move. When somebody achieves 20-percent [enrichment], the next stage is very easy. The difficult and important part is this part from 5.3 percent to 20 percent. This difficult path was trod by our youths and [they] produced 20-percent [fuel] and produced the fuel plate; this was one of our achievements. We entered the talks with this spirit.The strategy of resistance and enduring against pressures had born fruit. Americans admitted that sanctions had no effect; just as they mentioned this [in their words]. This is a totally correct analysis. Americans reached the conclusion that sanctions can no more have the effect desired by them. They were looking for another way – [my] time is finishing; I must say my remarks rapidly -; they understood that we could get our hands on advanced technology without dependence [on them]; on [the basis] of this logic, we trusted and entered the negotiations.
Of course, we did not give up caution. From the outset, our attitude toward the [American] negotiators and American side was a suspicious attitude. According to experiences we had, we did not trust them, [and therefore] we first entered [the negotiations] with some reservation. It was our viewpoint that if they lived up to their words, well, there would be no problem [to go on with the negotiations]; we were ready to pay a price; that is, we do not believe that in a negotiation, no price must be paid, no backtrack on part of issues must be allowed; No. we were ready to pay a correct, and logical and rational price; however, we sought a good agreement. Let me say this here: we say good agreement [and] Americans also say good agreement; however, when we say good agreement, we mean a fair and just agreement; when they say good agreement, [they want] a totalitarian agreement. A little bit into the negotiations, excessive demands of the other side started [to be put forth]; everyday a [certain] claim, a pretext. Six months turned into a year, it became longer; the negotiations continued in different ways; bargaining and excessive demands prolonged the negotiations, [they] threatened [us], threat to [impose] more sanctions, even threatened [us] with the use of militarism; they posed these threats; [they talked about options available] on the table and below the table and these things that you have heard. Such has been behavior of these people up to the present day.
Anybody studying the course of Americans’ demands in this period and look at the quality of what they have said will reach this conclusion; this is one of the two basic points: their goal is to eradicate and destroy nuclear industry in the country; this is the goal; they are pursuing this [goal]; their purpose is to eliminate nuclear nature of the country; even though a name, a meaningless picture, a caricature-like thing may exist, but they intend not to allow this nuclear movement of the country, the nuclear industry of a country with the goals that the Islamic Republic Establishment has, be realized. We have announced that by a due date, we must have 20,000 megawatts of nuclear power; this is what the country needs; 20,000 megawatts of nuclear power is an essential need for the country; this [figure] has been calculated by calculating organs of the country, which of course, on its sidelines, there are many benefits, and many other needs [of the country] will be met. They want to prevent this from happening. of course, at the same time that they want to eliminate this industry, they also want to maintain the pressure; they do not intend to remove the sanctions – as you observe – in full; [and they] also threaten that they will impose more sanctions. This is one point.
The second point is that our opposite side, that is, the current administration and current management of America, needs this agreement; this is another side of this issue.They need this [agreement]; it would be considered a great victory for them if they could achieve their goal in this regard. This would be, in fact, victory over the Islamic Revolution; victory over a nation that has a claim to independence; victory over a country which can be role model for other countries; the management apparatus of America needs this [agreement]. All bickering and bargaining and breach of promises and cheating that they do are based on these two issues.
We entered [negotiations] logically from the onset; talked logically; did not put forth excessive demands; we said the other side has imposed an oppressive sanction, we want this sanction to be lifted; very well, this is a give-and-take; we have no problem in this regard to give something [and in return] take something in order for sanctions to be removed; however, the nuclear industry should not be stopped; should not be damaged; this is our first say; we have said this from the outset and followed it up to the present day.
The most important red lines that exist are these [issues] that I am going to explain. I have mentioned certain things as the main points; these are the most important; of course, there are other things besides these [important things]. 
One is that they insist on long-term restriction [of Iran's nuclear activities]; we said that we don’t accept restrictions for 10 years, 12 years and the likes of that; ten years is a lifetime; all that we have achieved in this period has taken about ten years! Yes, the history of nuclear [industry] in the country is longer than this, which is sometimes said in some remarks. However, in those first years, in fact, nothing had been done; the basic and major steps were taken in about the recent 10-15 years. We do not accept 10-year restriction [on nuclear activities]; I have told a certain amount of years, which is acceptable to us, to the [nuclear] negotiating team [and] have told them how much restriction we have accepted; however, I have said the number of years of restriction; we do not accept 10 years and 12 years [of restriction] and these things that these people [Western negotiating side] say.
During this period of restriction that we will accept, the work on research and development and manufacture [of centrifuges] must go on, which this is among red lines on which esteemed officials have emphasized; they have said that we are not ready to stop research and development; [and] they are right. During these years of restriction, research and development must go on. They [the other negotiating sides] say something else; they say you don’t do anything during 10 years, 12 years or more, then start production, start manufacture! Which this is double bullying [and] a double wrong saying.
This is one of the important points: I stipulate that economic and financial and banking sanctions, both those that are related to the Security Council, and those that are related to US Congress, and those that are related to US administration, must be immediately removed at the time of signing the agreement; the rest of sanctions must [be lifted] in reasonable intervals. Of course, with regard to sanctions, Americans have come up with a complex, multilayered, [and] strange formula whose depths are not clear; it is by no means clear what will come out at the end of it. I already said that my remarks are clear. I am not well versed about diplomatic jargon; what I say is clear and is what I say; this is what I expect.
Another basic point is that removal of sanctions should not be conditioned on the implementation of Iran's obligations; they cannot say ‘you destroy Arak heavy water reactor, reduce centrifuges to this number, do these things, do those things, and when you did, then the [International Atomic Energy] Agency should come [and] attest [and] confirm that you are telling the truth, and have done these things, then we remove the sanctions’. No. We do not absolutely accept this; removal of sanctions is not conditioned on the fulfillment of obligations that Iran accepts. Of course, removal of sanctions has certain executive stages, we accept this; executive aspects of removal of sanctions should be proportionate to the executive [steps] that Iran will undertake; part of this in return for part of that; another part of this in return for another part of that.
Another basic point is that we are against any measure [that the Western sides must take] to be conditioned on the Agency’s report. We are pessimistic toward the Agency. The Agency has shown that it is neither independent, nor just; it is not independent because it is under the influence of [the world] powers; it is not just [because] it has ruled and passed judgment against justice time and time again. In addition, that they say ‘the Agency must make sure that there is no nuclear activity [going on] in the country’, is an irrational remark. Well, how one can make sure about this? Basically, what does ‘making sure’ [mean here]? Unless they search every single house and every inch of the territory of the country! How else can they make sure [about this]? Making [any measure by Western sides] conditioned on this issue, is neither logical, nor just.
I am also not agreed to no-nconventional inspections; questioning personalities is also by no means acceptable to me and I am not agreed [to that]; I do not accept inspection of the military sites, as I have already said; I also do not accept time periods of 15 years and 25 years – which they keep saying 15 years for that thing, [and] 25 years for that thing – and time periods like this. It is clear [that] this time has a beginning and an end, and will [finally] come to an end.
These are prominent and important issues on which I emphasize; of course, red lines are not limited to these, [and] negotiating friends are familiar with my viewpoints; I have told them the details [of my views]; [of course] relevant details and those things that I get involved in; I do not get involved in many details.
We seek an agreement. If somebody says that among the officials of the Islamic Republic there is somebody who does not want an agreement, he would be lying; everybody must know this. Officials of the Islamic Republic – I, the administration, the parliament, the judiciary, various security, military and other organs – are all unanimous in this regard, and agree that an agreement must be reached. Again, all are unanimous that such an agreement must be accompanied with dignity, [and] expediencies of the Islamic Republic must be carefully and obsessively observed in it; there is no difference in this regard; the administration, the parliament, I, others and others are all unanimous in this regard. Our views are the same. The agreement must be a fair agreement and must meet the interests of the Islamic Republic.
I must also say that we are seeking to eliminate and remove the sanctions; our goal from the negotiations is the removal of sanctions; we are seriously seeking to have the sanctions removed; however, at the same time, we consider the sanctions per se as an opportunity. It shouldn’t make some people surprised as to how sanction can be an opportunity; how sanction – such an evil thing – can be an opportunity? This sanction caused us to reflect on ourselves; the sanction caused us to think about our internal force, to seek out internal capacities. [The fact] that we [must] import everything from the outside using the oil money, for a country like our country, is the worst scourge and the biggest problem, which unfortunately, this problem plagued our country before the revolution and still exists to some extent, which we must stop this. In science, in technology, in various fields, we returned to internal capacities, [and] God willing, the same will happen to the economy. These are my remarks about the nuclear [issue]. Of course, I had taken down some remarks on regional issues here to tell you, but as I look at the clock, I see as if it is the prayers time; [so] I do not bother you more than this.
O Almighty! [We swear you] by Mohammad (PBUH) and the progeny of Mohammad (PBUH) to put what we said and heard[in the service] for yourself and in your path and in the service of your servants; purify our intents; O Almighty! Bring your blessings down on officials, [and] those [who are] active in the administration, in the parliament, in the judiciary, [and] in the armed forces – [those] who are busy making effort and working; [and] cover them with your assistance and guidance.

Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
Seyed Ali Hamaney


Pour tous les jeunes en Europe et en Amérique du Nord
Les récents événements en France et événements similaires dans d'autres pays occidentaux m'a convaincu que vous parlez directement. Je vais vous donner à votre auditoire de jeunes, non pas parce que les parents ont pas vu, vous Myangarm, mais parce que l'avenir de la nation et de la terre dans vos mains, et je me sens plus vivant et alerte-je trouver la vérité dans votre cœur. Il a également abordé par les politiciens et les hommes d'Etat vous ne faites pas, parce que je crois qu'ils ont consciemment séparé la politique de la voie de la justice et de la vérité.
Je parle de l'islam et, en particulier, à propos de l'image que l'islam est présenté à vous. Il ya deux décennies, presque depuis l'effondrement de l'Union soviétique, des efforts importants ont été déployés pour cette grande religion, dans une position ennemie horrible. Provoquer un sentiment de peur et de la haine et de profiter de celui-ci, malheureusement, a une longue histoire dans l'histoire politique de l'Occident. Je ne suis pas ici pour "craintes" que de nombreux pays occidentaux ont jusqu'ici été endoctrinés à payer. Vous avec un bref aperçu des récentes études critiques de l'histoire, vous voyez que la nouvelle historiographie, le comportement malhonnête et hypocrite des gouvernements occidentaux a été condamnée par d'autres nations et cultures. Histoire de l'Europe et l'Amérique ont honte de l'esclavage, le colonialisme honte de l'oppression des gens de couleur et les non-chrétiens. Les chercheurs et les historiens de la religion entre catholiques et protestants de l'effusion de sang au nom ou au nom de la nationalité et de l'ethnicité dans la première guerre Seconde Guerre mondiale, ont exprimé une profonde honte.
Cela en soi est une réussite et le but de Bazgvkrdn partie de cette longue liste, le blâme pas, mais je veux que vous vous demandez pourquoi la conscience publique des intellectuels dans l'Ouest, un retard de plusieurs décennies ou des siècles-vieux est éveillé et conscient ? Pourquoi réviser la conscience collective, ne devrait pas être aux questions passé lointain de la journée? Pourquoi une question comme un moyen de traiter avec la culture et la pensée islamique, pour prévenir la sensibilisation du public de celui-ci?
Vous savez bien que le mépris et la haine et la peur illusoire de «l'autre» est la base commune de tous ces profiteurs oppressives. Maintenant, je veux vous demander pourquoi la vieille phobie de la politique et de la haine, cette fois avec une intensité sans précédent, vise l'Islam et les musulmans? Parce que la structure du pouvoir dans le monde veulent la pensée islamique en marge et être passive? Quels sont les concepts et les valeurs de l'Islam perturber le programme des grandes puissances dans l'ombre de déformer l'image de l'Islam et quels intérêts sont protégés? Donc, ma première demande est que les incitations de l'Islam et d'explorer ce vaste Syahnmayy.
Ma deuxième demande est en réponse à l'inondation des préjugés et de la propagande, essayer d'acquérir des connaissances de première main et directe de cette religion. Logic exige qu'au moins vous savez ce que vous Mygryzannd et l'effrayer, et quelle est sa nature. Je ne tiens pas que mon impression ou tout autre lecture de l'islam à accepter, mais je ne laisse pas cette réalité dynamique et efficace dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, avec les ressentiments et préjugés introduits à vous. Ne pas laisser les terroristes recrutés hypocrites eux-mêmes comme des représentants de l'islam pour vous présentent. Islam à travers ses sources primaires et originaux. Islam à travers le Saint Coran et la vie du Prophète (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) savent. Je voudrais vous demander si vous avez directement aux musulmans le Coran. Sont les enseignements du Prophète (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) et les enseignements humaines et morales ont lu? Avez-vous déjà fait partie des médias, le message de l'Islam ont reçu d'une autre source? Avez-vous jamais demandé ce que les mêmes scientifiques et penseurs l'Islam, comment et sur quelles valeurs Au cours des siècles, la plus grande civilisation développée scientifiques et intellectuelles mondiales et top formés?
Je vous demande de ne pas permettre à l'image méprisant et offensant, entre vous et la réalité, maquillage émotionnelle que vous nient la possibilité d'un juge impartial. Aujourd'hui, les moyens de communication, les limites géographiques sont cassé, ne le laissez pas vous vivez dans des frontières artificielles et les esprits fermés. Bien que personne ne peut individuellement créé pour combler les lacunes, mais chacun d'entre vous pour illuminer votre environnement, de construire un pont de la pensée et de jugement sur les lacunes. Ces pré-conçus entre l'Islam et vous les jeunes est indésirable, mais pouvez-vous faire de nouveaux questions curieuses et esprits curieux. Essayer de trouver des réponses à ces questions, l'occasion de découvrir de nouvelles vérités que vous. Par conséquent, la possibilité d'une véritable compréhension et l'appréciation de l'Islam sans préjudice manquez donc peut-être grâce à votre sens des responsabilités envers la vérité, l'avenir de l'Occident avec l'histoire musulmane de l'interaction avec moins d'irritation et une conscience plus claire de les écrire.

Seyed Ali Khamenei

Seyed Ali Hamaney


Avropa və Şimali Amerikada bütün gənclərə
Digər Qərb ölkələrində Fransada son hadisələr və buna bənzər hadisələr birbaşa onlar haqqında danışmaq ki, mənə inanır. Mən valideynlərin Myangarm görmədim çünki, sizin gənclər tamaşaçı verəcək, lakin əlində millətin və torpaq gələcəyi, çünki, mən daha canlı hiss və alert mən ürək həqiqəti tapa bilərsiniz. Mən onlar şüurlu salehlik və həqiqət yolundan siyasəti ayrılmış inanıram çünki O, həmçinin, siyasətçilər tərəfindən və siz deyil Dövlət xadimi.
İslam sizə təqdim olunur image haqqında, xüsusilə də, İslam haqqında danışmaq və. Iki onillik əvvəl, demək olar ki, Sovet İttifaqı dağıldıqdan sonra, əsas səylərin bir dəhşətli düşmən mövqedə, bu böyük dinə edilmişdir. Qorxu və nifrət hissi doğurmaq və bu, təəssüf ki, Qərbin siyasi tarixində uzun bir tarixi var istifadə etmək. Mən bir çox Qərb ölkələri indiyə qədər ödəmək üçün təlqin edilmişdir ki, "qorxu" üçün burada deyiləm. Siz tarixi son tənqidi tədqiqatlar bir qısa ilə, yeni tarixşünaslığı, Western hökumətlərin riyakar və ikiüzlü davranış digər xalqların və mədəniyyətlərin məhkum edilmişdir ki, görəcəksiniz. Avropa və Amerika tarixi, adı və ya ilk müharibə milliyyətindən və etnik adına qan olan katolik və protestant arasında rəng və qeyri-xristian. Tədqiqatçılar xalqının və din tarixçilərin təzyiq ar müstəmləkəçilik köləlik ar var İkinci Dünya, dərin ayıb ifadə etdilər.
Bu, özlüyündə, bu uzun bir siyahı Bazgvkrdn hissəsi nailiyyət və məqsəd deyil günahlandırır, amma West, bir neçə onilliklər və ya yaşlı əsrlər gecikmə ziyalıların ictimai vicdanını oyaq və xəbərdar niyə özünüz xahiş etmək istəyirəm ? Kollektiv vicdan yenidən Niyə gün uzaq keçmiş məsələləri olmamalıdır? Niyə İslam mədəniyyəti və fikir ilə məşğul olan bir yol kimi bir məsələ, onun ictimai məlumatlılığın qarşısını almaq üçün?
Siz də "digər" ki, nifrət və kin və illusionary qorxu bilirik bütün bu repressiv profiteers ümumi baza var. Köhnə siyasət fobi və nifrət, misli görünməmiş intensivliyi ilə bu dəfə İslam və müsəlmanları hədəf niyə İndi özünüz xahiş etmək istəyirsiniz? Dünyada enerji strukturu çərçivəsində İslam düşüncə istəyirik və passiv çünki? İslamda nə anlayışlar və dəyərlər İslam və image təhrif kölgəsində böyük dövlətlərin proqramı nə maraqları qorunur narahat? Belə ki, mənim ilk tələbi İslam təşviq və bu böyük Syahnmayy araşdırmaq edir.
Mənim ikinci tələbi xurafat və təbliğat daşqın cavab olaraq, bu din birbaşa və bilavasitə bilik əldə etmək üçün cəhd edir. Logic ən azı siz Mygryzannd və qorxutmaq nə bilirik və onun təbiəti nə tələb edir. Mən təəssürat və ya İslam hər hansı digər oxuma qəbul israr deyil, lakin mən sizə təqdim hiddəti və ön mühakimələr ilə bu gün dünyada bu dinamik və səmərəli reallığı imkan vermir. İslam nümayəndələri sizə təqdim etmək kimi ikiüzlü qəbul terrorçuları özlərini imkan verməyin. Onun əsas və orijinal mənbələr hesabına Islam. Quran-ı Kərim və Peyğəmbər (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) həyat yolu İslam bilirik. Mən sizə Quran müsəlmanlar birbaşa olub soruşmaq istəyirəm. Peyğəmbər (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) və insan və mənəvi təlimlərinə təlimlərinə oxumaq mı? Əgər media hissəsi olmuşdur, İslam mesaj başqa bir mənbədən aldığımız? Əgər eyni İslam, necə və əsrlər boyu dəyər nə, ən böyük mədəniyyət inkişaf elmi və intellektual dünya və top alim və mütəfəkkirlər təlim özünüzü xahiş etdiniz?
Mən sizə və reallıq arasında emosional siz qərəzsiz hakim ehtimalını inkar, siz alçaldıcı və təhqiredici image imkan deyil xahiş edirik. Rabitə vasitələri, coğrafi sərhədləri qırıldı Bu gün süni sərhədlərin yaşayır və şüurunda qapalı imkan vermir. Heç bir ayrı-ayrı boşluqları doldurmaq üçün yaradılmışdır bilər, lakin siz hər boşluqlar üzərində fikir və hökm bir körpü qurmaq, sizin ətraf işıqlandırmaq baxmayaraq. Bu İslam və gənclər arasında dizayn əvvəlcədən arzuolunmaz, ancaq maraqlı və sorğu ağıl yeni suallar edə bilərsiniz. Bu suallara cavab, yeni həqiqətləri tapmaq imkanı tapmaq üçün çalışırıq. Buna görə də, xələl doğru anlaşılması İslam qiymətləndirmə üçün imkan həqiqət qarşı məsuliyyət sizin mənada belə ki, bəlkə şükür əldən az qıcıqlanma ilə qarşılıqlı müsəlman tarixi və aydın vicdan ilə Qərbin gələcək yazmaq üçün.

Seyid Əli Xamneyi

Seyed Ali Hamaney


Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika'da tüm gençlere
Diğer Batılı ülkelerde Fransa'da son olaylar ve benzeri olaylar doğrudan onlarla konuşmak beni ikna etti. Ben anne sen Myangarm görmedim çünkü, size gençlik izleyici verecektir, ama senin elinde millet ve toprak geleceği, çünkü ben daha canlı hissediyorum ve uyarı senin kalbinde doğruyu bulmak. Ben bilinçli doğruluk ve hakikat yolundan siyaseti ayrılmış inanıyorum çünkü o da, siyasiler tarafından ele alınması ve bilmiyorsun devlet adamları.
Ben İslam'ın size sunulan görüntü hakkında, özellikle de İslam hakkında konuşmak ve. İki yıl önce, neredeyse Sovyetler Birliği'nin çöküşünden bu yana, büyük çabalar korkunç bir düşman konumunda, bu büyük dine yapılmıştır. Korku ve nefret duygusu kışkırtmak ve ne yazık ki, Batı'nın siyasi tarihinin uzun bir geçmişi vardır yararlanmak. Birçok Batılı ülkeler bugüne kadar ödeme telkin edildiğini "korkuları" için burada değilim. Sen tarihin son kritik çalışmaların kısa bir özetini, yeni tarihçiliği, Batılı hükümetlerin sahtekâr ve ikiyüzlü davranışı diğer milletlerin ve kültürlerin tarafından kınandı edildiğini görüyoruz. Avrupa ve Amerika Tarihi, adı veya birinci savaşta milliyet ve etnik adına kan gelen Katolikler ve Protestanlar arasındaki renk ve non-Hıristiyan. Araştırmacılar insan ve din tarihçilerinin baskının utanılacak sömürgecilik kölelik utandıkları İkinci Dünya derin bir utanç dile getirdiler.
Bu kendi içinde on, bu uzun listenin Bazgvkrdn kısmının bir başarı ve hedef değil suçlamıyorum, ama Batı'da, birkaç on yıl ya da eski yüzyıllarda bir gecikme aydınların kamu vicdanını uyanık ve farkında neden kendinize sormak istiyorum ? Ortak vicdanı revize Neden, günün uzak geçmişteki sorunları olmamalı? Neden İslam kültür ve düşünce ile ilgili bir yolu olarak bir sorun bunun kamu bilincini önlemek için?
Sen de "öteki" nin bu hor ve nefret ve hayali korku biliyorum bütün bu baskıcı vurguncular ortak temelidir. Eski politika fobi ve nefret, eşi görülmemiş bir yoğunluk ile bu kez, İslam'ı ve Müslümanları hedefliyor Şimdi neden kendinize sormak istiyorum? Dünyada güç yapısı aralarında İslami düşünceyi istiyorum ve pasif olmak için mi? İslam'da ne kavram ve değerler İslam ve imajını bozan gölgesinde büyük güçlerin programın ne çıkarları korunmasını rahatsız? Yani benim ilk istek İslam'ın teşvik ve bu engin Syahnmayy keşfetmek olduğunu.
Benim ikinci isteği önyargı ve propagandanın sel cevaben, bu dinin doğrudan ve ilk elden bilgi kazanmak için çalışın. Mantık en azından bunu Mygryzannd ve korkutmak biliyorum, ve doğası nedir gerektirir. Ben benim izlenimim veya İslam'ın diğer herhangi bir okuma kabul etmek ısrar yok, ama sana tanıtıldı kızgınlık ve önyargılarıyla, bugünün dünyasında bu dinamik ve etkin gerçekliği izin vermeyin. İslam'ın temsilcileri size tanıtmak için ikiyüzlü işe teröristlerin kendilerini izin vermeyin. Birincil ve orijinal kaynaklar aracılığıyla İslam. Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Peygamber (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) ömrü boyunca İslam biliyorum. Seni Kur'an Müslümanlara doğrudan olup olmadığını sormak istiyorum. Peygamber (Slyallhlyhvalhvslm) ve insan ve ahlaki öğretilerin öğretileri okudum mı? Hiç medyanın bir parçası olmuştur, İslam'ın mesajı başka bir kaynaktan aldık? Hiç aynı İslam, nasıl ve yüzyıllar boyunca hangi değerleri üzerinde büyük medeniyet gelişti, bilimsel ve entelektüel dünyası ve üst bilim adamları ve düşünürler eğitimli kendinize sordunuz mu?
Seninle ve gerçeklik arasında duygusal make tarafsız bir yargıç olasılığını inkar, sen aşağılayıcı ve saldırgan bir görüntü sağlamak için isteyin. Iletişim araçları, coğrafi sınırları kırık Bugün, yapay sınırları içinde yaşayan ve zihinleri kapalı izin vermeyin. Hiç kimse bireysel olarak boşlukları doldurmak için oluşturulan, ancak her biriniz boşluklar üzerinde düşünce ve yargı bir köprü inşa etmek, çevren aydınlatmak rağmen. Bunlar İslam ve gençler arasında tasarlanmış önceden istenmeyen, ancak meraklı ve sorgulayan kafasında yeni sorular yapabilirsiniz. Bu soruların yanıtlarını, yeni gerçekleri size keşfetmek için bir fırsat bulmak için çalışıyorum. Bu nedenle, önyargısız, gerçek anlayış ve İslam'ın takdir fırsat gerçeği karşı sorumluluk duygusuna belki sayesinde özledim, az tahriş ile etkileşim Müslüman geçmişi ve daha net bir vicdan ile Batı'nın geleceği bunları yazmak için.

Seyed Ali Hamaney


گؤنده ر 100 درجه کلوب دات کام گؤنده ر     بؤلوم لر:
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